Tuesday 7 May 2013

D&V paired journal

this is our seventh swap - and my journal is recovering from having given birth to 15 baby journellettes.

It all in the fine details now, and I'm getting lots of satisfaction out of doing just a few things on a couple of the pages as we build up layers, tear off bits and create 'story' for the content.  I fell in love with this 'stitched' girl image and have reproduced the image and used it in a lot of recent collage pieces

It is my journal that I worked in,  and it is now with Virginia, hers is at my local post office where it languishes until I get my fave postie to find it for me....I reckon they spot the journal swaps and have a good nosy and re-wrap then suddenly 'find' it for me.Similarly the circle journal is in transit, and unless they both arrived on the same day and it is the same  delivery notice card (come pick up your parcel in a few days and we might find it for you if you are lucky and your name is not Donna)  so I created a Junkie ( things made solely form the Junk I got for the baby journallettes) and mailed it to Sherry... you too might get a random Junkie in the post...


  1. The journal is looking amazing, hope its recovering well after the multiple births! I spotted a fabric tag I sent you, good to see the junk getting used!,!

  2. Gorgeous journal and that image is fabulous. Must rummage around and get your junk in the post.

  3. ooh some lovely photos....I have a small bag of bits (metal, cardboard....wire....yep, random bits and bobs!!) for you. I know you said junk, but i look at the bag and am worried...it really is junk!!


  4. Ooooh that stitched girlie IS fab, I'm not surprised you have fallen for her. These pair journals are just getting more and more amazing with every iteration. I wonder if they will ever be finished? And Sherry's junkie is awesome!
