We've all been desperately cultured this month - more of a shock to the system for some of us than others! - as we tackled Virginia's lovely background and her theme of "Shakespeare"
Once again, it's fantastic to see everyone's unique take on the theme, even where some of us chose the same play, our interpretations are very different
In no particular order (and unfortunately missing Katie's entry for the time being, but this will be added in later), here are the January pages:
Carmen : "Call me an uncouth philistine but I didn't realise the Double double quote was from Shakespeare - so was chuffed to bits when I googled Shakespeare and that popped up! I knew I wanted to do a skull but didn't want to go down the obvious Yorrick route. And adding that text makes me think of a page from a spell book. I cut and collaged the skull from an old book page. He's highlighted with oil pastels and Posca pen. The text is Posca pen, written three times because I remember somewhere that being a magic number. Thank you to 6 year old Ruby for insisting, quite loudly over my shoulder, that I add the red to his eyes to make him look eviiiiil. I think it finishes him off perfectly and makes me think of Bob in the Dresden Files. I have to thank Virginia for her gorgeous background and interesting theme. I always thought Shakespeare wasn't for me but after all this research I actually want to read some... or at least watch a couple of films to ease me in!" |
Sarah : "Virginia's background reminded me of a beautiful twilight sky, so I went with Bottom and Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream - I was going to add the relevant quotation, 'what angel wakes me from my flowery bed?', but then I realised I'd forgotten to paint any flowers in the grass :D All done with Fresco acrylic paints from PaperArtsy" |
(Inspiration image source here)
Pam : "titled Shakespeare in Love and War - painted, drawn, coloured and stamped" |
Sami : "I went with A Midsummer Night’s Dream, just because I like fairies and magick! I used two magazine images as my starting point and then added paint, ink, prima flowers and a quote to complete it." |
More hubbling and bubbling from Pat : "A mixture of pans pastels, inks, cut out and stamped images" |
Judging by the quote, this is another Titania, this time by this month's host, Virginia - I (Sarah) like this Titania, she looks a lot less sappy than my own version of her :) |
Gill has illustrated a great quotation here, but I'm afraid I don't know which play it is from, could one of you clever literary types enlighten me? |
Lou : "winged cupid from A Midsummer Night's Dream" |
Next month it is Pam's turn to host - her theme is 'Innocence and Experience' and here is her fantastically textured background: