Thursday, 28 March 2013

INcoming and OUTgoings ( donnalouiserodgers)

Pat and I agreed to do a mail art exchange when we mailed out our exquisite corpses,  she sent me a beautiful waxed postcard, the colours composition and detail are exquisite, thank you hugely Pat,

and by coincidence I  have today mailed Sherry both my corpse (so to speak) and Nigel's CJ, though it may not arrive until Tuesday?

I also mailed out mail art x4: one for Pat, one for Sonja, one for Virginia, and one for Sarah, I have been just so silly busy with work that it has been an absolute pleasure to be able to do postcard sized stuff for people,

mostly now I am making babies....and thinking about the torso of pats corpse


  1. fabulous card to receive, sounds like you are busy making lots of art at the moment.


  2. love the postcard you received from Pat - gorgeous! but am slightly confused as to why you've made me another postcard as I'm not expecting one (NOT that I'm complaining :D)

    1. BECAUSE you did not lie and just kind of pathetically begged for a typewriter print...

    2. I kind of did, didn't I :)

  3. Mine has arrived and I've still to photograph and blog but just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
